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Showing posts from 2020

C program to print all repeated elements in an array and also print the count of repeated numbers

  Write a program to print all repeated elements in an array and also print the count of repeated numbers Note: Hope it helps you! Please note that all the intentions are to clear the doubt of how to solve it in java. So, please try to give it a chance at least before using this. If you face any discrepancy please contact us. Thank you! Example: input: Enter the number of element: 4 Enter Elements: 10 20 10 20 output: The duplicate number is: 10 The duplicate number is: 20 The total number of the duplicate element is: 2 Algorithm of this program: Initially, we define the size of the array. Then, take a user-input size of the array and scan the element of the array. For finding the duplicate number in the array we have to run two for loops. The first for loop scan all elements from 0 index The next for loops run from i+1 so that it checks all the duplicate elements. If any duplicate element is found, we print the duplicate number and count it. At last, we print the count of ...

Java Static Initializer Block Hackerrank Solution in Java

  Java Static Initializer Block Hackerrank Solution in Java Problem-9:- Static initialization blocks are executed when the class is loaded, and you can initialize static variables in those blocks. It's time to test your knowledge of  Static initialization blocks . You can read about it  here. You are given a class  Solution  with a  main  method. Complete the given code so that it outputs the area of a parallelogram with breadth   and height  . You should read the variables from the standard input. If   or    , the output should be  "java.lang.Exception: Breadth and height must be positive"  without quotes. Input Format There are two lines of input. The first line contains  : the breadth of the parallelogram. The next line contains  : the height of the parallelogram. Constraints Output Format If both values are greater than zero, then the  main  method must output the area of the  pa...

Java End-of-file Hackerrank Solution in Java

 Java End-of-file Hackerrank Solution in Java Problem-8:- The challenge here is to read   lines of input until you reach  EOF , then number and print all   lines of content. Hint:  Java's  Scanner.hasNext()  method is helpful for this problem. Input Format Read some unknown   lines of input from  stdin(  until you reach  EOF ; each line of input contains a non-empty  String . Output Format For each line, print the line number, followed by a single space, and then the line content received as input. Sample Input Hello world I am a file Read me until end-of-file. Sample Output 1 Hello world 2 I am a file 3 Read me until end-of-file. Solution:- import   java . io .*; import   java . util .*; import   java . text .*; import   java . math .*; import   java . util . regex .*; import   java . util . Scanner ; public   class   Solution   {      pu...

Java Datatypes Hackerrank solution in Java

 Java Datatypes Hackerrank solution in Java Problem-7:- Java has 8 primitive data types;  char, boolean, byte, short, int, long, float, and double . For this exercise, we'll work with the primitives used to hold integer values ( byte, short, int,  and  long ): A  byte  is an 8-bit signed integer. A  short  is a 16-bit signed integer. An  int  is a 32-bit signed integer. A  long  is a 64-bit signed integer. Given an input integer, you must determine which primitive data types are capable of properly storing that input. To get you started, a portion of the solution is provided for you in the editor. Reference: Input Format The first line contains an integer,  , denoting the number of test cases. Each test case,  , is comprised of a single line with an integer,  , which can be arbitrarily large or small. Output Format For each input vari...