Utkarsh and Placement tests Codechef solution in Java, C++ || UTKPLC || December long challenge 2021
Utkarsh and Placement tests Codechef solution in Java, C++ Note: Hope it helps you! Please note that all the intentions are to clear the doubt of how to solve it in java. So, please try to give it a chance at least before using this. If you face any discrepancy please contact us. Thank you! Utkarsh is currently sitting for placements. He has applied to three companies named A , B, and C . You know Utkarsh's order of preference among these 3 3 companies, given to you as characters first , second , and third respectively (where first is the company he prefers most). You also know that Utkarsh has received offers from exactly two of these three companies, given you as characters x x and y y . Utkarsh will always accept the offer from whichever company is highest on his preference list. Which company will he join? Input Format The first line of input contains a single integer T T , denotin...