Geek's Village and Well Geek's village is represented by a 2-D matrix of characters of size n*m, where H - Represents a house W - Represents a well .- Represents open ground N - Prohibited area (Not allowed to enter in this area) Every house in the village needs to take the water from the well, as the family members are so busy with their work, so every family wants to take the water from the well in minimum time, which is possible only if they have to cover as less distance as possible. Your task is to determine the minimum distance that a person in the house should travel to take out the water and carry it back to the house. A person is allowed to move only in four directions left, right, up, and down. That means if he/she is the cell (ij), then the possible cells he/she can reach in one move are (i,j-1), (i,j+1),(i-1.j),(i+1,j), and the person is not allowed to move out of the grid. Note: For all the cells containing 'N', 'W', and '.' our answer sho...
Everything! That matter's.