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Morning habits which can ruin your whole day

10 Bad Morning Habits

Do you know the thing on which our whole day depends? If you think that this is morning, then you are absolutely right my friend. Our whole day depends on what we eat at breakfast, which time we wake up and what is the first thing we do when we woke up.

1. Snoozing your alarm:-  When you are going to sleep, that time you are fully determined that you woke up at 6:00 or 7:00am and you set up two or more alarm continuously with the break of 2 or 5 minutes. But in the morning, what happens? You start snoozing the alarm and doing this until you are late for your work. That time you have only one way to go to your work at the time is that you should skip your breakfast. Is it good? Absolutely not. 

2. Checking your message or E-mail just after you wake up

3. Drinking Coffee

4. Not making your Bed

5. Eating Sugar for Breakfast:-

6. Leaving the Curtains closed:-

7. Not doing the Excercise

8. Doing Brush after Breakfast

9. Taking Hot shower

10.  Make phone calls


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