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Best Notes of QUANTUM PHYSICS for 1st year Engineering


  • Photoelectric Effect
  • Compton Effect
  • Schrodinger's Wave Equations
  • Particle in a box
  • Uncertainty principle
  • Dual nature of matter waves
  • Phase velocity & group velocity
  • Probability Function
  • Plank's law of radiation, Wein's law & Rayleigh lens law.

Dual nature of light

According to Einstein, the energy of light is concentrated into the small region known as photon, hence the light itself shows the wave and the particle nature which is known as dual nature and the property is known as wave-particle duality.

*  Matter wave

According to de-Broglie, a moving particle is surrounded by a wave whose wavelength depends upon the mass of the particle and its velocity.
This wave associated with the moving material particle is known as matter waves/ de-Broglie waves.
E=hc/h            --- (1)                                (where h denotes lambda)

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