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Showing posts from 2019

Morning habits which can ruin your whole day

10 Bad Morning Habits Do you know the thing on which our whole day depends? If you think that this is morning, then you are absolutely right my friend. Our whole day depends on what we eat at breakfast, which time we wake up and what is the first thing we do when we woke up. 1. Snoozing your alarm:-   When you are going to sleep, that time you are fully determined that you woke up at 6:00 or 7:00am and you set up two or more alarm continuously with the break of 2 or 5 minutes. But in the morning, what happens? You start snoozing the alarm and doing this until you are late for your work. That time you have only one way to go to your work at the time is that you should skip your breakfast. Is it good? Absolutely not.  2.  Checking your message or E-mail just after you wake up 3. Drinking Coffee 4.  Not making your Bed 5. Eating Sugar for Breakfast:- 6. Leaving the Curtains closed:- 7. Not doing the Excercise 8. Doing ...

(Hindi/English) The Decoy Effect ( Best Marketing Technique)

****ENGLISH**** ---- Suppose you went to the market to buy something like a hard disk. You saw a shop and you went to buy a hard disk. You went to the shop and saw that there are two hard disks - one 512 GB which is 1500 rupees. And another 1024 GB with a rate of 3000 rupees. Which Hard Disk Will You Take? Actually, you can take either of them because if you need less space or if you have less money then you will go to 512 GB hard disc whereas if you need more space then you can buy 1024 GB hard disc. This thing happened in the normal condition, now we come to the main issue that what is the Decoy Effect ? Now above you had only two options, now if one more option is added to it, which is as follows - 768 GB hard disk for Rs 3500. Shocked !! Now maybe some of you give preference to 1 or 3 here, but when you go to the market and when you get these three options there, then you will think like - 'The third one has less memory space Then there will definit...

Top 10 best high-quality Christmas images, quotes, & wishes for 2021-22

Hello friends, As we all know that we celebrate Christmas Day on the 25th of December. We all were waiting for this day for the whole year. Now the day comes and all people either old, young and adults are going to wish everyone. Because we all have someone special in our life and on the occasion of this special day how can we live without sending wishes to our special friends?  Also if wishes are of high quality and attractive, they can attract someone special towards you. Now the major problem arrives, that where we can find images which are of high quality as well as attractive also. So, for this specific problem, I have a solution. Here in this post, I show you the top 10 images which are of very high quality because no one is less than 2500 pixels and is very attractive too. Before starting this, I want to show you my promotional business type video, which you can skip if you want.                       ...

(Hindi/English) Remove Youtube, and other platform ads for free (Without subscription)

Hello friends, In today's digital world there is hardly anyone who does not use the Internet. If whenever a man learns to run the Internet, he first opens three things - YouTube Google Facebook That is why there are more than 50,000 searches on Google every second, while videos of more than 300 hours are uploaded to YouTube every minute. Now that so many people will come here every second, this will be the place to advertise for the best business. Because of this, we have to watch many ads, which are very annoying and boring but still, we have to watch. Or we get a notification to subscribe, which a common man cannot give in exchange for not just watching ads. So if you too are going through this problem then today this post is for you only. Today I have brought a website that will remove your problem. With this, not only YouTube but if you search any site on Google Chrome, then you will not have to bother with Ads. Let us start - You can watch the above video as ...

Best Notes of QUANTUM PHYSICS for 1st year Engineering

Content :- Photoelectric Effect Compton Effect Schrodinger's Wave Equations Particle in a box Uncertainty principle Dual nature of matter waves Phase velocity & group velocity Probability Function Plank's law of radiation, Wein's law & Rayleigh lens law. *  Dual nature of light According to Einstein, the energy of light is concentrated into the small region known as photon, hence the light itself shows the wave and the particle nature which is known as dual nature and the property is known as wave-particle duality. *  Matter wave According to de-Broglie, a moving particle is surrounded by a wave whose wavelength depends upon the mass of the particle and its velocity. This wave associated with the moving material particle is known as matter waves/ de-Broglie waves. E=hc/ h             --- (1)                                (where ...

तुमसे ये उम्मीद नहीं थी बेटा !!

--हेलो! --हाँ! हेलो मम्मी, चरणस्पर्श! --हाँ खुश रहो बेटा, क्या कर रहे हो? --फ़िलहाल तो मेस में हैं, खाना खा रहे हैं, आपने खा लिया ? --हम लोग भी खाने जा रहे हैं। और तुम्हारे रूममेट्स कैसे हैं ? --सब सही सलामत हैं मम्मी। अभी-अभी खाना खा के गए हैं। आप तो जानती ही हैं कि में कितनी धीरे-धीरे खाना खाता हूँ। इसीलिए वो लोग रूम पे चले गए हैं। मेरा भी हो ही गया है। --(और कोन रुकेगा एक घंटे तेरे लिए )- दीदी ने पीछे से चुटकी ली। --अपना देखो! मुझे मत सिखाओ। --अब लड़ो मत तुम दोनों। अच्छा ये बताओ तुम्हारा आज पेपर था न। --हाँ मम्मी। -- कैसा गया? -- पास हो जाऊँगा। --पास हो जाऊँगा, मतलब ? --मतलब की ये अभी  तक के तीनों पेपरो से ख़राब रहा है। लेकिन इतना कर आया हूँ की आराम से पास हो जाऊँगा। --तो क्या सिर्फ पास होने के लिए तुम्हे इतनी दूर, इतने पैसे खर्च करके भेजा है। तुम्हे पता है कैसे तुम्हारे पापा ने तुम्हारे एडमिशन के लिए पैसे इकट्ठे किये थे? पहले तीन साल कोचिंग में पैसे बर्बाद किये। रिजल्ट क्या आया - निल। अब कॉलेज में गए तो कह रहे हो कि ' पास हो जाऊंगा ' यही...

Best app and website to earn good money online (Hindi/English)

Hello friends, Welcome to our post of today called "Best app and website to earn good money". So friends, if you are in college or you are a housewife, or if you work for a company 9 to 5, then you will have some extra money in mind. I am talking about this because if you have reached this article, then it is a simple matter that you are from a middle-class family and want money. So today I will try to solve your problem. I am saying this because I am from a middle-class family just like you. So, friends, I am VISHAL  and once again you are welcome in this article: - In this article, we will talk about an app called Grabpoint. ...... If you use the referral code in it, then you will get 500 also just to signup. If you want, you can also use my referral code.                          REFERRAL CODE --- HSAEJS I am putting a video that will make it easier for you to understand. And one important thi...

Top most expensive and weirdest things in the world.

नमस्कार दोस्तों, आपने दुनिया में ऐसी बहुत सी चीजों के बारे में सुना या देखा होगा जिनको सुनते या देखते समय तो वो एक दम बेकार और पैसे की बर्बादी लगी होगी पर जब अपने उनके दाम देखे होंगे तो आपके होस उड़ गए होंगे। पहले के जमाने में राजा महाराजाऔ के ऐसे सौख होते थे, परन्तु आज कल भी ऐसे लोग देखने को मिल जाते है।  आज के लेख में हम उसी के बारे में चर्चा करेंगे।  1.  Air Jordan Silver Shoes –लगभग 4 लाख 42 हजार INR - ($60,000)   इस लिस्ट में पहले नंबर पे आता है ये Air Jordan का चाँदी का जूता। हालाँकि ये चांदी का है तो ये महंगा होना तो बनता है लेकिन जितनी इसकी कीमत है उतने में तो भारत के बहुत से सरकारी कॉलेज से विद्यार्थी इंजीनियरिंग की पढ़ाई पड़ लेते है। लेकिन एक बात ये भी है की उनके पास इतना पैसा है तो वो खर्च नहीं करेंगे क्या, और क्या भगवान के घर लेके जाना है। हमारे लिए नहीं है ये जूते, कोई बात नहीं , किसी दिन शायद हो जायेंगे।